черный рынок

15:24 | 15-11-2011 | Economics, Internet, Lifeform | 2 Comments

а вот, кстати, и новый шелковый путь, спасибо:

Silk Road is an online marketplace that its operators run as a Tor hidden service. As such, visitors must use Tor to access the marketplace. While the majority of products that sellers list on Silk Road qualify as contraband, the site’s operators prohibit goods or services intended to harm others. NPR has referred to the site as the “Amazon.com of illegal drugs.”


Buyers and sellers conduct all transactions with bitcoins, a crypto-currency that allows for strong anonymity. Buyers can register on Silk Road for free, but sellers must purchase new accounts through auctions to mitigate the possibility of malicious individuals distributing tainted goods. The website launched in February 2011 with development having begun three months prior. Sellers mostly operate out of the US and Britain and frequently offer products such as heroin, LSD, and marijuana.

заодно и пособие для начинающих — вообще, эта дорога определенно мне напоминает пророческое, если и не по форме, то по смыслу:

They found their paradise, a `pirate’s paradise,’ on the jumbled border of a low-security academic grid. At first glance it resembled the kind of graffiti student operators sometimes left at the junctions of grid lines, faint glyphs of colored light that shimmered against the confused outlines of a dozen arts faculties.

получается, следуюший роман Уильям Гибсон должен обязательно написать про биткойны (хотя Нил Стивенсон уже ведь нечто подобное написал, да?).



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  2. […] очевидно, надо читать последний роман Нила Стивенсона. […]

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