рано или поздно

15:23 | 23-01-2012 | Censorship, Cinematograph, Copyright, Economics, Politics | No Comments

говоря про чемоданы с деньгами, надо ясно понимать одну простую вещь — там именно наши деньги:

Yet when we watch their movies, we support them.

Even if we don’t watch their movies in a theater or buy their plastic discs of hostility, we’re still supporting them. If we watch their movies on Netflix or other flat-rate streaming or rental services, the service effectively pays them on our behalf next time they negotiate the rights or buy another disc. And if we pirate their movies, we’re contributing to the statistics that help them convince Congress that these destructive laws are necessary.

They use our support to buy these laws.

я писал уже сотни раз: мы, обычные люди, ничуть не хуже их, — совсем наоборот. так почему бы нам и в самом деле не убить Голливуд? и заодно не разобраться со всеми этими чемоданами?

So maybe, instead of waiting for the MPAA’s next law and changing our Twitter avatars for a few days in protest, it would be more productive to significantly reduce or eliminate our support of the MPAA member companies starting today, and start supporting campaign finance reform.


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