adding dimesnions

14:25 | 14-11-2013 | Biology, Cinematograph, Culturology | No Comments

вот, кстати, что такое созидание:

Allie Brosh’s humorous, autobiographical blog, Hyperbole and a Half, has a huge following. In 2011, an editor of PC World included it in a list of the 10 funniest sites on the Internet, and this year, Advertising Age included Brosh in its annual list of the year’s most influential and creative thinkers and doers.

That’s pretty amazing considering that, as Brosh describes it, she lives like a recluse in her Bend, Ore., bedroom, where she writes stories about her life and illustrates them with brightly colored, intentionally crude drawings.

Most of the stories are funny, whether they’re about her dog’s behavior problems or her favorite grammatical pet peeve — “a lot” written as “alot.” But her most popular posts have also been the most upsetting, about her crippling depression. In fact, when Brosh stopped blogging for about a year and a half, her readers were worried about her. Now, not only is she blogging again, she has a new book, also called Hyperbole and a Half, that collects her blog posts as well as new illustrated stories.

очень, очень хорошая.

большинство людей, что рассуждают о депрессии, и близко не представляют себе, о чем именно идет речь. возможно, медвежью услугу оказало именно название этого заболевания, столь похожее на обычные смены настроения:

I think there’s a common misconception that depression is about something or depression is sadness or some form of negativity. <...> I remember being very aware in the second part of my depression where I would have to consciously control my facial expressions because I wasn’t feeling enough organic emotion to generate them naturally. So when I was listening to a story, say someone telling me a sad story, I was very consciously thinking, “Oh, God, please make a sad enough face. Please, face, do me a solid and be sad enough.” I was trying to very consciously control myself so that I remained socially acceptable and didn’t alienate anyone.

все так и есть, буквальное отсутствие хоть каких-то чувств, сил, движений. у фон Трира, кстати, есть два фильма, что исключительно точно показывают, как зарождается депрессия, протекает, исходит — это “Antichrist” и следующая за ним “Melancholia”; вот, например, что пишет Элли:

[I]t transitioned to feeling nothing and feeling very detached and bored with everything because I couldn’t connect in a meaningful way to the things I enjoyed or the things around me.


I’ve always sort of secretly thought of feelings as a weakness. I think growing up I always wanted to be someone tougher than I am, and so when I first started not having feelings anymore I thought, “I’m finally this person who doesn’t react. I’m not sensitive anymore.” I enjoyed that for a short time, especially when I hadn’t lost my feelings completely, where I just felt like I was emotionally very strong. And then once all of my emotions disappeared, I very quickly realized that emotions are the only thing that provide variation in your life.

помните ленты Трира? это практически дословное пересечение, от смерти эмоций до невозможности хоть чуть-чуть пошевелиться, зайти в ванную, произнести слово, вздохнуть. и любой, у кого в этой ситуации получается идти дальше, заниматься творчеством, искать новые пути — это прекрасный герой, не меньше.


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