Archives for October 2013

oops!… I did it again

13 October 2013 | Apple, Economics, Microsoft, Software | No Comments

про сопоставления:

[As] William Hurley, a co-founder of Chaotic Moon, a maker of apps for companies including Walt Disney Co, <...> said the company’s most recent game, “Dragon Academy” — which is free to download, with consumers paying for upgrades — generated more in one hour of sales on Apple devices than was made through all of Chaotic Moon’s releases globally for Windows Phone in the past year.


the minus world

13 October 2013 | Games | No Comments

мне почему-то не довелось играться с ними в детстве — но зато можно теперь:

Full Screen Mario is a fully HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Brothers. You can play the original levels, play through some of literally millions of possible [randomly generated] maps, or create your own using the level editor. The whole project is open source and free — if you would like to use the code, check out the GITHUB.



13 October 2013 | Culturology, Personal | No Comments

ненавижу разъяснять опущенное между строк. ощущения ровно те же, как если идти на костылях по дну бассейна.



12 October 2013 | Cinematograph | No Comments

“Космополис”, походу, блистателен; впервые за последние 10 лет Кроненбергу удалось снять фильм на прежнем уровне — и он снова исследует нас, а не сказочные картинки:

Eric Packer: You’re unsettled ’cause you feel you have no role.
Benno Levin: I wanted you to heal me. Save me. I wanted you to save me.


the justification

12 October 2013 | History, Jurisprudence, Privacy, Security | No Comments

немного[1] истории:

Almost 35 years later, the court’s decision — in a case involving the recording of a single individual’s phone records — turns out to be the basis for a legal rationale justifying governmental spying on virtually all Americans. Smith v. Maryland, as the case is titled, set the binding precedent for what we now call metadata surveillance. That, in turn, has recently been revealed to be the keystone of the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of U.S. telephone data, in which the government chronicles every phone call originating or terminating in the United States, all in the name of the war on terror.


  1. if you still don’t read Threat Level and Danger Room, I think you should.  ↩


a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions

12 October 2013 | Games, Literature | No Comments

пробило полночь, наши игрушки оживают:

“Case and Molly” is a prototype for a game inspired by William Gibson’s Neuromancer. It’s about the coordination between the virtual and the physical, between “cyberspace” and “meat”.


“Case and Molly” uses the mechanics and aesthetics of Neuromancer’s account of cyberspace/meatspace coordination to explore this dynamic. It’s a game for two people: “Case” and “Molly”. Together and under time pressure they must navigate Molly through a physical space using information that is only available to Case. Case can see Molly’s point of view in 3D but can only communicate to her by flipping a single bit: a screen that’s either red or green.

ностальгия strikes back.


который считал до десяти

11 October 2013 | Education, Personal, Software | 2 Comments

Computing for Data Analysis? оказывается, исключительно легко (и досрочно). а я ведь даже не программист.

кстати, уже давно хотел рассказать про R, что необыкновенно понятна и чудесна в обработке данных, — и которую я, ничтоже сумняшеся, даже использовал в качестве замены Microsoft Excel (а так же вместо обычного калькулятора). ну, вот и повод, как говорится.


another world’s intrusion

10 October 2013 | Comix, Conspiracy, Culturology, Humour | No Comments

оказывается, вот чудесный комикс о теории заговора — где кусочек достойной Пинчона истории открывается нам лишь в самом последнем слайде[1]; словно робко мелькнувшая верхушка айсберга.


  1. мне кажется, большинство начинает смеяться на предпоследнем.  ↩


imagine living your life with Siri

9 October 2013 | Culturology | No Comments

заодно и небольшое интервью Уильяма Гибсона, в чем-то как раз перекликающееся.


zero history

9 October 2013 | Culturology, History, Internet | 1 Comment

Казис Варнялис уже не первый год читает в Колумбийском университете лекции, посвященные осознанию культуры новйших времен:

Culture in the Age of Networks historicizes the contemporary as a distinct sociocultural period. In contrast to specialized studies focusing on new media, this project aims to broadly understand contemporary culture as a synthetic historical narrative of a scope comparable to David Harvey’s The Condition of Postmodernity, Fredric Jameson’s Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, or Stephen Kern’s The Culture of Time and Space.

My thesis is that the network is not merely a technology but rather has served as a cultural dominant over the last fifteen years. Just as the machine made industrialization possible while acting as a metaphor for a rationalized, compartmentalized modern society and the programmable computer served the same role for the flexible socioeconomic milieu of postmodernity, today the network not only connects the world, it reconfigures economy, culture, even subjectivity.

силлабус абсолютно замечательный, и мне искренне жаль, что я (или хотя бы Coursera) не там.