Archives for March 2014


19 March 2014 | Art | 1 Comment

помню цитату, например:

That china dog that ornaments the bedroom of my furnished lodgings. It is a white dog. Its eyes blue. Its nose is a delicate red, with spots. Its head is painfully erect, its expression is amiability carried to verge of imbecility. I do not admire it myself. Considered as a work of art, I may say it irritates me. Thoughtless friends jeer at it, and even my landlady herself has no admiration for it, and excuses its presence by the circumstance that her aunt gave it to her.

But in 200 years’ time it is more than probable that that dog will be dug up from somewhere or other, minus its legs, and with its tail broken, and will be sold for old china, and put in a glass cabinet. And people will pass it round, and admire it. They will be struck by the wonderful depth of the colour on the nose, and speculate as to how beautiful the bit of the tail that is lost no doubt was.

We, in this age, do not see the beauty of that dog. We are too familiar with it. It is like the sunset and the stars: we are not awed by their loveliness because they are common to our eyes. So it is with that china dog. In 2288 people will gush over it. The making of such dogs will have become a lost art. Our descendants will wonder how we did it, and say how clever we were. We shall be referred to lovingly as “those grand old artists that flourished in the nineteenth century, and produced those china dogs.”

как и говорил раньше, сталкивая разные эпохи, мы создаем конфликт, что позволяет нам лучше понять себя, — находящихся здесь и сейчас. именно поэтому Пенни Бирн настолько чудесна.


выбираю чай

18 March 2014 | Biology, Personal | No Comments

кстати, исследование:

This paper examines how ambient noise, an important environmental variable, can affect creativity. Results from five experiments demonstrate that a moderate (70 dB) versus low (50 dB) level of ambient noise enhances performance on creative tasks and increases the buying likelihood of innovative products. A high level of noise (85 dB), on the other hand, hurts creativity. Process measures reveal that a moderate (vs. low) level of noise increases processing difficulty, inducing a higher construal level and thus promoting abstract processing, which subsequently leads to higher creativity.

многие соглашаются, но я… well, люди — это всегда помеха.


beannachtam na Feile Padraig!

17 March 2014 | Personal | No Comments

time to pour a Guinness. or a dozen.


dancing with wolves

16 March 2014 | Culturology, Sex | 2 Comments

еще про сексизм, пожалуйста:

Two women, one of whom I work with and adore, and a friend of hers were hula hooping to some music. I didn’t have a problem with this. What I did have a problem with is the line of men sitting on one bench facing the hoopers and gawking at them. It looked like something out of a strip club. When I brought this up to male coworkers, they didn’t see a problem with it. But for me it felt unsafe and to be honest, really embarrassing. That was the moment I decided to finally leave GitHub.

какой-то зоопарк, в самом деле. пошутить? well, да, почему бы и нет. но целенаправленно глазеть? не задуматься ни на секунду, что это может быть оскорбительно? какая-то параллельная вселенная.


aim your pistols

16 March 2014 | Cinematograph, Photo | No Comments

my God, it’s full of stars:

In conjunction with the exhibition Stanley Kubrick, LACMA created a FREE app for iPhone, iPad and Android. The app features photographs, script notes, an interactive timeline of Kubrick’s career, and original interviews with Stan Douglas, Elvis Mitchell, Chris Nolan, Terry Semel, David Slade and Douglas Trumbull about the director’s life and legacy. Excerpts from a rare 1965 interview with Kubrick, courtesy of Jeremy Bernstein, are also included.


все наоборот

16 March 2014 | Art | No Comments

Диана Аль-Хадид выворачивает окруающий мир наизнанку, разбивает его — и затем творит снова, вопреки любым законам или притяжениям.

так мы видим те внутренние точки, на которых держимся. так попадаем туда, где все и происходит — на самом деле.


speed, decentralization, anonymity

16 March 2014 | Economics, Internet, Lifeform | No Comments

как и почему:

Why did other payment technologies like PayPal or Western Union apparently fail to meet the requirements to be discussed in virtually every central bank on the planet, yet cryptocurrency is being so thoroughly scrutinised? Ironically enough, the on-going debate about whether or not bitcoin is truly a valuable disruptive technology, is all the evidence you need that it is.

This is because bitcoin as a technology isn’t just challenging business models, or even an entire industry. Plenty of innovative outfits do that with much less flare. Bitcoin is challenging the financial infrastructure of the whole global economy, and even more, it is challenging entire generations of established political and economic theory that that infrastructure is built on.

хорошая статья.


налетевшие с моря чайки

15 March 2014 | Cinematograph | 1 Comment

а смотрите, вот, пожалуйста, усредненные впечатления от последней экранизации Германа. действительно, “поклонники Стругацких” — это такой зоологический вид.


так держать

15 March 2014 | Personal, Sport | 1 Comment

очевидно, в кои-то веки нашел подходящий “Keep Calm” стикер для майки. тем более, что и весна.

fuck, Russian is clumsy.


it’s easier now

15 March 2014 | Culturology, Personal | 1 Comment

since I’m definitely not an Israeli refusing to perform Wagner, let’s switch back to Russian. in the end, that was the purpose of this .log: practice in that Dostoevsky’s lango.