Censorship Category Archives

только этого мало

14 June 2013 | Censorship, Jurisprudence, Privacy | 1 Comment

просто для справки:

MEPs express deep concern at Russia´s failure to observe its international legal obligations to protect freedom of association, expression and assembly. They are disappointed by the bill granting “foreign agent” status to Russian non-commercial organisations engaged in political activities and financed from abroad and are concerned by the negative consequences of the adoption of a federal law on “homosexual propaganda”.



11 June 2013 | Censorship, Literature, Media | 1 Comment

интервью Дэвида Фостера Уоллеса, хорошее:

[О]сновной отличительной особенностью зрелища является то, что оно служит для расслабления или бегства от реальной жизни. Тогда как искусство приводит к столкновению с реальностью, возможно даже к конфронтации с ней.


вообще же, цитировать хочется многое, но ограничусь еще только двумя направлениями — о границах:

Мне сейчас 44, так что я на полпути между молодым и старым писателем. Начиная с моего поколения, поколения гораздо более размыты, их гораздо сложнее охарактеризовать и уловить. Определить 2 или 3 голоса поколения становится все труднее, и, возможно, этими голосами будут какие-­то телешоу или фильмы, а не писатели. Это очень здорово в смысле творческой свободы и возможности экспериментировать, но это значит также, что у нас меньше единства и внутренней связи.

и о стенах:

В Америке, к сожалению, нет самиздата, так что мы ограничены произведениями, которые решили напечатать издатели. Это наша форма цензуры.

все так — им[1] совершенно не обязателен маленький чиновник в костюме с ластиком в руках, застрявший где-то в сыром подвале и вымарывающий нас прочь. отнюдь. можно просто не говорить на других языках. можно предпочитать блокбастеры или танцы со звездами. можно, наконец, спотыкаться об экономику — все это куда действеннее былых методов. и даже выглядит честнее.

вот только суть не меняется.


  1. like in Pynchon.  ↩


grounds to suspect

5 June 2013 | Censorship, Copyright, Internet, Jurisprudence | No Comments

ингсоц процветает:

City of London Police inform TorrentFreak that they have begun targeting sites that provide access to unauthorized content for “criminal gain.” The initiative is part of a collaboration with Hollywood studios represented by FACT and the major recording labels of the BPI. In letters being sent out now, police accuse site operators of committing offenses under the Serious Crime Act. The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau further warns that the crimes carry a jail sentence of 10 years.

ублюдки, что тут еще скажешь.


decision making process

31 May 2013 | Censorship, Politics | No Comments


The red-brick building just behind the famous Harrods department store is always the same. And the Scotland Yard agents guarding the building day and night are still there with their vans and their cameras keeping a watchful eye. One year has passed and Julian Assange is still holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, with no opportunity to take a single step outside without being arrested by Scotland Yard, which has been policing the building at the cost of 4 million pounds over the last 12 months.

и последующее интервью:

It is in this embassy that “l’Espresso” met the founder of WikiLeaks, for the second time since he was granted political asylum by Ecuador.

очень хорошее:

QUESTION: In the long run do you think the Internet will reshape democracies by empowering participation or rather social control through surveillance?

ANSWER: It is very difficult to tell, that is why the current time is interesting: which trajectory will we get? Obviously we will get part of the dystopian trajectory and part of the utopian one, the question whether it is mostly dystopian is still to be answered. There are many reasons why aspects of the dystopian view are inevitable. Technology inherently tend to centralisation, that is because it is complex to make, so it need to be specialised and located in one point. Look at internet corporations: they are extremely complex industries, as a result they tend to merge with the state in order to preserve themselves. But then the big tendency in the other direction is democratisation and the new politics that has springing out as a result


так победим

28 May 2013 | Censorship, Internet, Politics | No Comments

хорошая Маритье Шааке, член Европарламента от Королевства Нидерландов, написала программную статью о реальной угрозе нашим свободам в интернете:

Today people’s digital freedoms and the open internet are under threat. This is a truly global trend, though its manifestations differ. Repression and human rights violations have a growing technological component. We not only face concrete cybercrime/threats, in many countries, governments’ desire to control and repress have moved online. In other places it is rather their inaction and unbridled privatisation of the web and the essential, critical functions or use related to the internet and technologies. There is also the risk that well-intended cyber security measures have disproportionate collateral impact on our digital freedoms.



по движущимся мишеням

19 May 2013 | Censorship, Jurisprudence, Politics, Technology | 3 Comments

новые технологии, определенно, внушают кому-то страх:

Earlier this month the world’s first fully 3D-printed gun was successfully fired and Reason-Rupe finds Americans are torn on 3D technology. A substantial 62 percent of Americans say people should be allowed to use 3D printers in their homes. Among those who say Americans should be allowed to have 3-D printers in their home, a majority (53 percent) say Americans should not be allowed to print their own gun parts, 44 percent say they should.

что, впрочем, и не удивительно:

Last week, the State Department’s arms export office demanded that Defense Distributed remove CAD files for the Liberator from its website.


In a nutshell, the letter demands the takedown while it decides whether publishing firearms-related CAD files online violates ITAR. ITAR, which stands for the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, are rules that the State Department promulgated under the Arms Export Control Act. One part of ITAR is the United States Munitions List, which is a master list of products and technologies that can’t be exported without prior government approval under a licensing system. Because Defense Distributed didn’t seek an export license, there’s a problem.

но вот какой возникает нюанс:

Why is this a First Amendment case? One of the issues is whether the government can prevent citizens from publishing gun blueprints. A big gateway question, though, is how to characterize Defense Distributed’s CAD files in the first place. Is a CAD file expressive speech that should be protected, or a functional thing that should be regulated?

даже если на какой-то миг отбросить законодательные изыски в сторону, и ограничиться самыми элементарными понятиями, можем ли мы хотя бы для себя определить позицию, которой следовало бы придерживаться в таких условиях? возможность распечатать пистолет? эй, звучит пугающе. необходимость цензуры? черт, это было бы ужасно. контроль за соответствующим оборудованием? помните, как в СССР — за факсами, модемами, копировальными машинами. но разве это хоть когда-нибудь помогало?

так получится ли выработать свое, пусть даже сильно упрощенное, но мнение? на данный момент у меня не выходит.


и не мечтайте

18 May 2013 | Censorship, Economics, Internet, Jurisprudence, Lifeform, Politics | No Comments

ну, вот, и пожалуйста:

US authorities seized the accounts of a Bitcoin digital currency exchange operator, claiming it was functioning as an “unlicensed money service business,” court documents showed Friday.

A warrant revealed by the Department of Homeland Security showed a judge signed the seizure order Tuesday for the accounts of Mutum Sigillum LCC, a subsidiary of Japan-based Mt. Gox, the world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange.


одна шайка-лейка

5 May 2013 | Censorship, Politics | No Comments

немного о свободе слова (ежегодный индекс можно найти здесь).


основы экономики и права

6 April 2013 | Censorship, Copyright, Economics, Jurisprudence | 4 Comments

смотрите, здесь можно абсолютно свободно и бесплатно поглазеть на дебилов.



use your body as a poster for the slogans of freedom

23 March 2013 | Censorship, Culturology | 3 Comments

женщины лучшее и смелее нас:

Campaigners including Richard Dawkins have called for a day of action to support a young Tunisian woman who appeared to post pictures of herself topless as part of a feminist movement in the country, and was subsequently threatened with death by stoning.

The 19-year-old activist, identified only as Amina, posted on the Femen-Tunisian Facebook page a topless picture of herself with the words “F**k your morals” written across her chest.

fuck your morals, indeed.