Hardware Category Archives


18 July 2013 | Facebook, Google, Hardware, Software, Technology | No Comments

или вот так:

When I was watching the launch event for Facebook Home, a loud alarm bell started ringing for me when Mark Zuckerberg said words to the effect that “phones should be about more than apps – they should be about people” – by which of course he meant “about Facebook”. The problem with this is that actually, we’ve spent the last 6 years making phones about more than just people. People use Facebook on their phones a LOT, yes, but they do a lot of other things as well[1]. If all I wanted was a phone about people I’d be using a $20 Nokia with a battery that lasts a month.

The same point, I think, applies to Google Glass. If you spend all day in the Googleplex, thinking googly thoughts about data ingestion and Now and the interest graph, then having ‘Google’ hovering in front of your eyes instead of rubbing on a phone seems like a really obvious progression. If everyone you know owns a Tesla and is deeply engrossed in new technology, then the idea that there might be social problems with Glass doesn’t come up – everyone’s too busy saying ‘AWESOME!’. In much the same way, no-one on the Facebook Home team seems to have realised that most people’s news feed isn’t full of perfectly composed photos of attractive friends on the beach.

жизнь суть куда больше, чем рекламный всплеск. и в этом как раз и заключается искусство компромисса: отнюдь не все мы ездим на сегвеях, но все, да, пользуемся телефонами. так и Google Glass, что выглядит, я согласен, достаточно забавно, но — вместе с тем — и чересчур оторванно от действительности.


  1. they’re just another app.  ↩



о модернизации

29 June 2013 | Design, Hardware, Software | 1 Comment

чудесная статья, Why Emacs’s Keyboard Shortcuts are Painful. с нынешней Vim-позиции могу смело ухмыльнуться вслед — однако, это не только экскурс в историю клавиатур (спойлер, спойлер), но и хороший урок для всех проектировщиков и разработчиков[1].


  1. а в Apple, кстати, сделали необходимые выводы.  ↩


the cohesive larger vision

19 June 2013 | Apple, Economics, Hardware, Software | No Comments

хороший Джобс в одной из былых дискуссий:

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where you’re going to sell it.

все так.


общий знаменатель

1 June 2013 | Apple, Hardware, Software | No Comments

серьезное исследование:

My niece is nineteen years old. When she was sixteen, she would come home from school, take out her laptop, plop down on the couch, lift the computer lid, turn on the TV, plug in her iPod earbuds, and set her BlackBerry down next to her. From afar, it looked like she was running NORAD. But fast-forward a mere three years, and now she comes home from school, takes out her iPad… and that’s it.

мой MacBook закрыт в углу обеденного стола[1]; с компьютеров в других местах кто-то неизменно вытирает пыль; мой iPhone где-то рядом с входной дверью, заодно с ключами и бумажником; мой iPad… он у меня в руках[2].

но дело, в общем, даже не в этом:

All of that core content is now readily available on one screen. From content (in text, images, audio, and video) to communications (chatting with friends on Skype or via Google Hangouts), it’s all there on this one device that rules them all.


This means the future is not about three screens or four screens or fourteen screens. It’s about one screen: whichever screen is in front of me. In a world where screens are connected and everywhere, the notion of even counting them seems arbitrary, at best[3].


  1. почти всегда там, разве что мне нужен весь стол полностью, а в силу его размеров это бывает совсем уж редко.  ↩

  2. the gun is in my hand. и, да, у меня нет телевизора.  ↩

  3. Google Glass — это один экран? или бесконечность?.  ↩


making sense of data

23 May 2013 | Amazon, Apple, Google, Hardware, Software, The Great Game | No Comments

основные тенденции и цифры, озвученные Бенедиктом Эвансом, — больше всего мне понравились 17 и 18 слайды, это очень… вдохновляюще.



пространство для ножа

11 May 2013 | Design, Hardware | No Comments

мне всегда нравились добротные обеденные столы.



2 May 2013 | Culturology, Google, Hardware, Privacy, Security | 2 Comments

неудивительно, что в связи с будущим появлением Google Glass в активном обиходе, зарождаются многие и многие сомнения:

If the notion of an intruder hacking into your smartphone or PC seems disturbing, just imagine an even more personal sort of privacy breach–a hacker who gains full access to your sight.

That’s the warning voiced Tuesday by Jay Freeman, the iOS and Android developer who last Friday discovered that he could use an Android hacking technique to compromise Google’s Glass headset, gaining complete control of its operating system. While Freeman had initially described his hack–a previously known attack on Android 4.0.4–as a “jailbreak” intended to give users the ability to remove restrictions Google placed on the device, Freeman noted in a blog post describing his Glass crack that it could have more serious repercussions, allowing the installation of surveillance malware on the device.

меня лично, впрочем, скорее останавливает другой аспект:

Tim Stevens, opening his Google Glass review at Engadget:

Smartphones are amazing things, but for those who have become addicted to messaging instant gratification, they are a bit unwieldy. This annoyance gets even worse as these devices grow larger and larger. Well, certainly one approach would be to relax a little and stop feeling so compelled to check for Facebook notifications every 30 seconds. Those fully immersed in the information age, however, will be more inclined to fix the physical inconveniences presented by the problem. A heads-up display seems like a natural fit, and thus we have Google Glass.

Stevens has described the reason I dislike Glass but haven’t been able to put my finger on. In our nearly-always-on world, Glass would have our brief moments of peace be filled.

I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all.



в мире животных

6 March 2013 | Apple, Google, Hardware, Software | No Comments

Линус Торвальдс, приверженец открытых систем, о Chromebook Pixel:

I’m still running ChromeOS on this thing, which is good enough for testing out some of my normal work habits (ie reading and writing email), but I expect to install a real distro on this soon enough. For a laptop to be useful to me, I need to not just read and write email, I need to be able to do compiles, have my own git repositories etc..

системы без приложений бессмысленны. именно поэтому, к слову вспомнить, в 2008 Apple и открыли iOS SDK. и именно над этой проблемой сегодня бьются изо всех сил авторы Windows Phone или BB10.


не верь глазам своим

1 March 2013 | Culturology, Hardware, Philosophy | No Comments

сегодня первый раз в жизни заметил[1] у случайного встречного поддельный iPhone с непременным яблочком — такие обычно рекламируют фразой “совсем, как настоящий”.

выглядело потешно.


  1. а вспомнил об этом, читая статью об эпистемологии, — и теперь мне видится здесь какая-то удивительно тонкая ирония.  ↩


о караванах

27 February 2013 | Apple, Economics, Google, Hardware | No Comments

Джон Грубер в ответ на бесконечные стоны журналистов, nails it:

So <...> [Google Glass] that currently exists only as a pre-announced demo and somewhat-imminent $1500 developer preview — from the company that brought us the Nexus Q and Google TV — shows that Apple has lost its edge? OK, got it.

Google TV — это вообще мой старая любовь. вернее, даже не само творение, а пульт дистанционного управления для него.