Technology Category Archives

это вам не очки

24 January 2013 | Amazon, Apple, Economics, Google, Technology, The Great Game | 1 Comment

ну что, все по плану:

Amazon today announced that it is acquiring Ivona Software, a Polish-based specialist in voice technologies that competes with Nuance and is already used in the Kindle Fire for services covering text-to-speech, voice commands and “Explore by Touch.” The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

т.е., занимаются разработкой новых интерфейсов — например, голосовых. а там и очередной виток битвы за нашу гостинную комнату начнется — ведь не клавиатуру же, право слово, к телевизору подключать[1]?


  1. к слову:

    Tim Cook: In terms of the product that we sell today, Apple TV, we sold more last quarter than we’ve ever sold before, eclipsing 2 million during the quarter. It was up almost 60 percent year-on-year, and so there’s actually very good growth in that product. What was a small niche at one time of people that loved it is a much larger number that love it.




11 January 2013 | Amazon, Technology | No Comments

Amazon запустил сервис под названием AutoRip:

Amazon announced Thursday that it will give free digital versions of CD tracks to those who’ve purchased physical discs from the online retailer.

Called “AutoRip,” the service automatically adds MP3 versions of songs — 256 Kbps, for you music nerds — onto the company’s Cloud Player. According to a release from Amazon, the service will work not only with new CD purchases, but any CD purchase made on Amazon since 1998.

прекрасно, я думаю, но ведь мы же хотим только одного, да? логичного продолжения для книг.



13 September 2012 | Art, Music, Technology | No Comments

вот это, я понимаю, светомузыка:

Realitat is a research and experimental studio founded by Juan Manuel de J. Escalante in Mexico City. Their recent creation “Microsonic Landscapes” visualizes music with physical form as a representation of an algorithmic exploration of the music.

Realitat selected some of their favorite albums, including Nick Drake’s Pink Moon and Portishead’s Third, and converted them into 3D objects. Each album’s soundwave were 3D printed in a cylindrical form layer by layer on a Makerbot 3D printer.



11 September 2012 | AR, Google, Hardware, Technology | No Comments

интересное наблюдение о будущем зрения:

zigziggityzoo: It seems like Google Glass would suffer from the same problems that faced the Segway. Many want one, but fear looking dorky, so they avoid it. Plus, it’s quite pricey.

MG Siegler: I agree on both counts. I still sorta want a Segway, but there’s too much of a stigma against riding one in public now. I’m not saying that’s right — it is what it is.

и впрямь.

меня, однако, куда больше интересует другой вопрос: как скоро Google Glass станут бесплатными камерами для Google Maps, etc?


рядовому солдату вполне хватило бы сообразительности пчелы

6 September 2012 | Lifeform, Technology | 1 Comment

воистину, “Мир на Земле” — это удивительная пророческая книга. вот, например, очередное:

In a Technion aeronautics laboratory, a pair of scientists are conducting experiments funded by the U.S. Army that would allow them to control the flight of insects from afar, as if they were mechanical flight vehicles.



31 August 2012 | Literature, Technology | No Comments

производители разработали светодиодную лампочку с модулем беспроводной связи и подключили ее к мобильному телефону. наконец-то, свершилось: еще немного — и Байрон заговорит.



6 August 2012 | Internet, Technology | No Comments

Бретт Слаткин рассуждает об идеальном мире:

For years I’ve been putting off having a Twitter account. I had hoped that I would be able to tweet from my own blog without having to be part of some other service. The idea was that there would be this decentralized social web that my node could be a participant of. And it’s just like email — I have a Gmail account and I can send email to Yahoo accounts or Hotmail accounts. It all just works. But social networking isn’t like that. Facebook accounts can’t talk to MySpace accounts. There’s this real interoperability problem. So, I worked for years to try to make that happen.

было бы чудесно, да. было бы.


the feed

30 July 2012 | Design, Technology | No Comments

былые прогнозы становятся реальностью:

An American gunsmith has become the first person to construct and shoot a pistol partly made out of plastic, 3D-printed parts. The creator, user HaveBlue from the AR-15 forum, has reportedly fired 200 rounds with his part-plastic pistol without any sign of wear and tear.



28 July 2012 | AI, Amazon, Copyright, Lifeform, Technology | 1 Comment

вот, пожалуйста:

A pair of artist-coders have unleashed a small army of bots designed to flood the Kindle e-book store with texts comprised entirely of YouTube comments. According to the artists, even they have no idea how many books their autonomous bots are posting to the store.

даже смешно, говорят — и я охотно этому верю:

The Internet slang of YouTube comments is treated as fresh dialogue, and sold through in the form of massive, self-generated e-books. In an auto-cannibalistic model, user generated content is sold back to the users themselves, parasitically exploiting both corporations: YouTube and Amazon.

The GHOST WRITERS project’s aim is to address and identify pertinent questions concerning the digital publishing industry’s business models, as well as to draw the lines of new trends for a possible new kind of digital literature, after the web.

плюс, и еще один интересный аспект:

[W]ho do YouTube videos/comments belong to? Where does authorship start and end? To what extent does the e-book format have to be reconsidered with regard to the traditional book form, and what are its most innovative opportunities?



смотреть шире

3 July 2012 | Apple, Technology | No Comments

как все было:

What’s happened over the last five years shows not that Apple disrupted the phone handset industry, but rather that Apple destroyed the handset industry — by disrupting the computer industry. Today, cell phones are apps, not devices. The companies that were the most successful at selling cell phones pre-iPhone are now dead or dying . Amazon, Google, and now even Microsoft are designing and selling their own integrated touchscreen portable tablets. “App” is now a household word.

да, это не телефон.