Google Category Archives

making sense of data

23 May 2013 | Amazon, Apple, Google, Hardware, Software, The Great Game | No Comments

основные тенденции и цифры, озвученные Бенедиктом Эвансом, — больше всего мне понравились 17 и 18 слайды, это очень… вдохновляюще.



о фарисействе

17 May 2013 | Google | No Comments

quote of the day:

Google is a greedy competitor that presents itself as anything but — as a sort of peaceful, whimsical, happy-go-lucky techno-futurist corporate utopian — and that rather than see this pose as absurd, many people, Googlers and Google users alike, buy it.


it sucks

14 May 2013 | Design, Google, Software | No Comments

замечательный разбор нового интерфейса в Gmail — с логичным последующим выводом:

You’re making something more basic and harder to use in favor of minimal design. This isn’t search. You can’t reduce a full-email platform down to a message box. If I wanted that, I’d use Facebook which supports email now.

все так.



2 May 2013 | Culturology, Google, Hardware, Privacy, Security | 2 Comments

неудивительно, что в связи с будущим появлением Google Glass в активном обиходе, зарождаются многие и многие сомнения:

If the notion of an intruder hacking into your smartphone or PC seems disturbing, just imagine an even more personal sort of privacy breach–a hacker who gains full access to your sight.

That’s the warning voiced Tuesday by Jay Freeman, the iOS and Android developer who last Friday discovered that he could use an Android hacking technique to compromise Google’s Glass headset, gaining complete control of its operating system. While Freeman had initially described his hack–a previously known attack on Android 4.0.4–as a “jailbreak” intended to give users the ability to remove restrictions Google placed on the device, Freeman noted in a blog post describing his Glass crack that it could have more serious repercussions, allowing the installation of surveillance malware on the device.

меня лично, впрочем, скорее останавливает другой аспект:

Tim Stevens, opening his Google Glass review at Engadget:

Smartphones are amazing things, but for those who have become addicted to messaging instant gratification, they are a bit unwieldy. This annoyance gets even worse as these devices grow larger and larger. Well, certainly one approach would be to relax a little and stop feeling so compelled to check for Facebook notifications every 30 seconds. Those fully immersed in the information age, however, will be more inclined to fix the physical inconveniences presented by the problem. A heads-up display seems like a natural fit, and thus we have Google Glass.

Stevens has described the reason I dislike Glass but haven’t been able to put my finger on. In our nearly-always-on world, Glass would have our brief moments of peace be filled.

I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all.



it is hard to trust Google

23 March 2013 | Google, Software | No Comments

Ом Малик про новое приложение от Google

Google today launched Keep, an app that allows you to save things, clip stuff from the web, hoard notes and what not and put them all onto your Google Drive. Yup, you guessed it — it is an imitation to Evernote and many other such applications. It is a good thing that Google has decided to compete with the likes of Evernote — it validates their market.

It might actually be good, or even better than Evernote. But I still won’t use Keep. You know why? Google Reader.

или, как метко заметил Джон Грубер:

Trust your thoughts and ideas to the makers of Google Reader. Good luck with that.

вот, посмотрите на расчет средней длительности жизни для таких Google-приложений. может все дело в том, что эти разработки не являются основными?

I said — nuanced as it might be — that I don’t trust Google to introduce new apps and keep them around, because despite what the company says, these apps are not their main business. Their main business is advertising and search — regardless of whatever nonsense you might read. They will sacrifice anything and everything to keep those businesses intact. Sure, they embraced mobile advertising and mobile search, but that’s just the same business on a different device.

I am far more likely to believe in and use products that are the main focus of the company behind them. Online storage? Dropbox. Time-shifting web content? Pocket or Instapaper. Short form communication? Twitter. Baby pictures and wedding photos to make single people miserable (or happy for being single)? Facebook.

The point is that a company whose main focus is a specific service or a singular product, like Evernote, is far more likely to focus its energies to build a business around it and keep it around. And if in seven years (or seven months) they fail — hell, at least they went down trying.

sounds solid.

избегайте пользоваться их решениями везде, где только можно[1]. потому что иначе завтра винить прийдется только себя.


  1. и, в общем, фрагментация Android и другие вытекающие отсюда проблемы — все это тоже, в известном смысле, звенья одной и той же цепи: you are not the customer, you are the product.  ↩


how can I be excited for Google Glass now?

20 March 2013 | Google, Internet, Lifeform | 1 Comment

и еще, смешное:

A couple years ago, I wrote a post called Google, Rome, and Empire. The gist of the article, of which I was very proud at the time, was that Google’s grand plan mirrored the structure of Roman roads in their build-out period, and that Google would unify its dozens of small properties with its five or six big ones by means of a single meta-service.

I envisioned this rich tapestry of services, obscure to monolithic, hooking in through engines and tools to a vastness of data and users, and, at the other end of the telescope, a single point of entry through which one would have instant access to everything from maps to obscure scientific results to the current price of tea. A bit like the real (or rather, idealized) empire, really: An assemblage of hamlets and metropoli, farms and academies, every citizen knowing that their via vicinale led to a via rustica, which led to a via publica, which led to Rome.

как подметил недавно Марко Армент:

‘Open’ has very little to do with anything [Google] does. What they’re really doing most of the time is trying to gain control of the web for themselves and their products.

все так и есть.


мертвые с косами

20 March 2013 | Google, Software | 2 Comments

quote of the day:

Google – especially under the leadership of Larry Page – simply decided that going after small markets wasn’t in its best interest.

я думаю, несложно предсказать, кто будет следующим агнцем на заклание — Bookmarks, Talk, Picasa, Sync, you name it.


о противостоянии

16 March 2013 | Google, Internet, Software | 2 Comments

а вот и собственно данные:

According to data from the BuzzFeed Network, a set of tracked partner sites that collectively have over 300 million users, Google Reader is still a significant source of traffic for news — and a much larger one than Google+.

там же, по ссылке, два действительно уморительных графика.

добавлено: главный архитектор Google+, Йонатан Зангер, спрашивает, что именно нравилось пользователям в Google Reader. иными словами, в Google сперва приняли решение о закрытии сервиса, и только потом стали изучать рынок. очень напоминает ситуацию, когда левая рука не знает, что делает правая. и я бы даже сказал, что фрагментация, оказывается, — это чуть больше, нежели просто разброд в версиях Android; наоборот, it’s in their DNA.


spring cleaning

15 March 2013 | Google, Internet, Software | 5 Comments

или, как точно подметил один из slashdotters:

Step 1: Make a website that does something
Step 2: Integrate social media
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!!!

I try to avoid companies that seem to have that plan[1].

и в самом деле пора настраивать личный почтовый сервер и воскрешать mutt.


  1. надо ли уточнять, что это автоматически вычеркивает большую часть web-сервисов — в том числе и те, что ныне массово претендуют на замену Google Reader.  ↩


в мире животных

6 March 2013 | Apple, Google, Hardware, Software | No Comments

Линус Торвальдс, приверженец открытых систем, о Chromebook Pixel:

I’m still running ChromeOS on this thing, which is good enough for testing out some of my normal work habits (ie reading and writing email), but I expect to install a real distro on this soon enough. For a laptop to be useful to me, I need to not just read and write email, I need to be able to do compiles, have my own git repositories etc..

системы без приложений бессмысленны. именно поэтому, к слову вспомнить, в 2008 Apple и открыли iOS SDK. и именно над этой проблемой сегодня бьются изо всех сил авторы Windows Phone или BB10.