Security Category Archives

the narrowest possible set of information

18 June 2013 | Apple, Politics, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

возвращаясь к недавнему скандалу касательно PRISM[1], Apple выпустила собственное заявление:

Apple has always placed a priority on protecting our customers’ personal data, and we don’t collect or maintain a mountain of personal details about our customers in the first place. There are certain categories of information which we do not provide to law enforcement or any other group because we choose not to retain it.

For example, conversations which take place over iMessage and FaceTime are protected by end-to-end encryption so no one but the sender and receiver can see or read them. Apple cannot decrypt that data. Similarly, we do not store data related to customers’ location, Map searches or Siri requests in any identifiable form.

We will continue to work hard to strike the right balance between fulfilling our legal responsibilities and protecting our customers’ privacy as they expect and deserve.

попутно, кстати, вот и другой нюанс:

You’ve heard the predictions. We’re quickly slouching toward a world in which your every move, every purchase, every act of “content consumption” will be meticulously and automatically monitored, tracked and captured. Algorithms will constantly profile you so advertisers can make their advertising specific to your location, preferences, personality, social group, income and education level and more.

Facebook’s future depends on this idea. This is one reason why Google launched Google+. This is why Microsoft launched Bing. This is why investors are bullish on location-based services like Foursquare. This is why created its own web browser.

Every major technology company, it seems, is scrambling to get into the user-data harvesting racket.

Everyone except Apple.


The US Patent and Trademark Office made public this week a newly-granted Apple patent. It’s called “Techniques to pollute electronic profiling.”

Apple didn’t invent this technology. It was probably invented at Novell. But, according to the patent document, Apple is an “assignee,” which means Apple has the exclusive legal right to use or license the technology.

The idea is to foil online data harvesting through misinformation. It’s a method for systematically lying to data-harvesting servers.



  1. не хочу даже комментировать. все случившееся literally makes me sick. хотя, конечно, чему удивляться.  ↩


между строк

13 June 2013 | Culturology, Internet, Lifeform, Privacy, Security | No Comments

вот они, потайные ходы:

Over the last few years, I’ve watched as teens have given up on controlling access to content. It’s too hard, too frustrating, and technology simply can’t fix the power issues. Instead, what they’ve been doing is focusing on controlling access to meaning. A comment might look like it means one thing, when in fact it means something quite different. By cloaking their accessible content, teens reclaim power over those who they know who are surveilling them.

со времен Эзопа не было лучшего способа.



23 May 2013 | Internet, Jurisprudence, Privacy, Security | No Comments

воздух, который мы вдыхаем:

When you use the Internet, you entrust your conversations, thoughts, experiences, locations, photos, and more to companies like Google, AT&T and Facebook. But what do these companies do when the government demands your private information? Do they stand with you? Do they let you know what’s going on?

есть и PDF.



2 May 2013 | Culturology, Google, Hardware, Privacy, Security | 2 Comments

неудивительно, что в связи с будущим появлением Google Glass в активном обиходе, зарождаются многие и многие сомнения:

If the notion of an intruder hacking into your smartphone or PC seems disturbing, just imagine an even more personal sort of privacy breach–a hacker who gains full access to your sight.

That’s the warning voiced Tuesday by Jay Freeman, the iOS and Android developer who last Friday discovered that he could use an Android hacking technique to compromise Google’s Glass headset, gaining complete control of its operating system. While Freeman had initially described his hack–a previously known attack on Android 4.0.4–as a “jailbreak” intended to give users the ability to remove restrictions Google placed on the device, Freeman noted in a blog post describing his Glass crack that it could have more serious repercussions, allowing the installation of surveillance malware on the device.

меня лично, впрочем, скорее останавливает другой аспект:

Tim Stevens, opening his Google Glass review at Engadget:

Smartphones are amazing things, but for those who have become addicted to messaging instant gratification, they are a bit unwieldy. This annoyance gets even worse as these devices grow larger and larger. Well, certainly one approach would be to relax a little and stop feeling so compelled to check for Facebook notifications every 30 seconds. Those fully immersed in the information age, however, will be more inclined to fix the physical inconveniences presented by the problem. A heads-up display seems like a natural fit, and thus we have Google Glass.

Stevens has described the reason I dislike Glass but haven’t been able to put my finger on. In our nearly-always-on world, Glass would have our brief moments of peace be filled.

I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all.



о вмешательстве

17 February 2013 | Censorship, Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy, Security | No Comments

то ли дело сэр Тим Бернерс-Ли:

I have a worry about a government that is liable to take too much control; maybe to spy, maybe to block. So beware of a government that has the ability to control what you see on the web.

и позже:

I think that every citizenry has to look at every government and make sure it’s behaving.


по первому требованию

17 February 2013 | Jurisprudence, Privacy, Security | 1 Comment

кстати, имейте ввиду:

The section in the so-called Foreign Intelligence Amendments Act (FISAAA) grants the US government sweeping powers to collect foreign intelligence information stored in US Cloud computing providers like Amazon or Google.


[A] US judiciary subcommittee on FISAAA in 2008 stated that the Fourth Amendment has no relevance to non-US persons.

FISAAA also forces US Internet giants and other tech companies operating clouds in the EU to hand over the data or face sanctions, says Bowden.


постоянно с вами

21 January 2013 | Google, Security | No Comments


Security researchers say they have discovered a huge botnet running on the smartphones of more than a million unsuspecting mobile users in China.

угадать операционную систему несложно[1]:

The botnet has spread across phones running the Android operating system via Android.Troj.mdk, a Trojan that researchers said exists in upwards of 7,000 applications available in the Google Play marketplace, including the popular Temple Run and Fishing Joy games.

  1. в первую очередь, конечно, еще и потому, что у Apple нет договора с China Mobile.  ↩


ключ от квартиры

10 December 2012 | Security, Software | No Comments


Mailvelope is a browser extension that allows to exchange encrypted emails following the OpenPGP encryption standard.

работает с GMX, Outlook, Yahoo! и Gmail — говоря же о последнем, не забудьте включить двухэтапную аутентификацию и, например, отключить доступ к почте с помощью IMAP4 или POP3[2].

и, да, в самом деле пользуйтесь этими инструментами, пожалуйста.

  1. в iOS и OS X для подписи и передачи конфиденциальной информации уже давно можно использовать S/MIME.  ↩

  2. а подключить, как сервер под управлением Microsoft Exchange.  ↩


внеклассное чтение

27 October 2012 | History, Security | No Comments

а вот публикации Стамбульского музея истории науки и технологий в исламском мире.

ну-ка, что у них тут про ртуть


досмотр на месте

25 October 2012 | Internet, Politics, Privacy, Security | 3 Comments

управление ООН по наркотикам и преступности разродилось очередным докладом[1]:

ISPs may require users to provide identifying information prior to accessing Internet content and services. The collection and preservation of identifying information associated with Internet data, and the disclosure of such information, subject to the appropriate safeguards, could significantly assist investigative and prosecutorial proceedings. In particular, requiring registration for the use of Wi-Fi networks or cybercafes could provide an important data source for criminal investigations. While some countries, such as Egypt, have implemented legislation requiring ISPs to identify users before allowing them Internet access, similar measures may be undertaken by ISPs on a voluntary basis.


The development of a universally agreed regulatory framework imposing consistent obligations on all ISPs regarding the type and duration of customer usage data to be retained would be of considerable benefit to law enforcement and intelligence agencies investigating terrorism cases.

и тому подобное, там уйма чудесного.

резюмировать несложно: политики, естественно, хотят знать о вас все. и под эгидой борьбы с терроризмом, с педофилией, с наркотиками, you name it, они изо всех сил будут пытаться и дальше разместить вашу жизнь у себя под микроскопом. чтобы затем в любой момент исправить ее, обречь ее, прекратить ее.

в общем-то, бессмысленно даже комментировать происходящее, но лучше еще раз открыть “Nineteen Eighty-Four” — потому ровно так все и будет, поверьте.

и тем важнее неизменно помнить сказанное Генри Менкеном:

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.

вы — следующие.

  1. исполнительный директор, кстати, — это некто Юрий Федотов, бывший чрезвычайный и полномочный посол Российской Федерации в Великобритании. так что несложно догадаться, откуда ветер дует, не правда ли? редкостные твари.  ↩