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the ministry of love

5 November 2014 | Copyright, Jurisprudence, Politics, Privacy | 1 Comment

ну, еще немного про Австралию, там все чудеснее с каждым днем и веселее:

A series of slips by the nation’s top cop followed by communications minister Malcolm Turnbull has made Australia’s data retention bill even more of a potential horror than it seemed when it was introduced last week.

It started with the Australian Federal Police commissioner Andrew Colvin saying that stored telecommunications metadata could be used to go after people who infringe copyright online. That statement, made on October 30, was unequivocal – he used the word “absolutely”.

интересно будет посмотреть, как сможет обычный гражданин тягаться с корпорациями, что станут бомбардировать суды одна за другой с требованиями о доступе к истории ваших интернет-посещений.

бороться, протестовать, вы скажете? да ладно, это же Австралия!

[Т]he Australian state of Victoria passed a controversial law giving police wide-reaching powers over protesters.

Police can now move on, fine or arrest people they believe are ‘causing or likely to cause’ obstructed access to buildings or impeding the movement of people or traffic, or people they anticipate may become violent. Additionally, courts can issue exclusion orders (bans on being in a designated public space for up to 12 months). Breaching a penalty order can result in two years’ imprisonment.

вот уж, право, годы крепостного каторжного права не уходят бесследно.


ненасытные пастыри

12 December 2013 | Culturology, Jurisprudence, Politics | No Comments

австралийские надсмотрщики отказались признавать однополые браки:

The Marriage Act does not now provide for the formation or recognition of marriage between same sex couples. The Marriage Act provides that a marriage can be solemnised in Australia only between a man and a woman and that a union solemnised in a foreign country between a same sex couple must not be recognised as a marriage in Australia. That Act is a comprehensive and exhaustive statement of the law of marriage.

удивляет ли меня то, что различнейшие подонки до сих пор хотят указывать нам, как жить? нет. меня удивляет, что мы до сих пор их терпим, пускаем к себе в дом, разрешаем определять, с кем и как нам существовать:

“This result seemed inevitable because Australian laws dictate that marriage laws are created by the federal government,” said Malcolm Mackerras, a political analyst at the Australian Catholic University in Canberra.

полицейские мрази.


барьерный риф

9 May 2013 | Humour, Linguistics | 1 Comment

у австралийцев все-таки феерически смешной акцент. поневоле и в самом деле задумываешься о происхождении:

An Englishman flies to Australia and arrives at the security desk.
“Do you have any alcohol, food or explosives in your bag, sir?” asks the guard.
“Absolutely not,” responds the Englishman
“Are you a member of any political or terrorist organisations, sir,” continues the guard
“Definitely not,” retorts the Englishman
“Finally, sir. Do you have a criminal record?”
“By God, man. I didn’t know you still needed one!”


первые ласточки

10 August 2011 | Economics, History, Politics | No Comments

смотрю на карту протестов и удивляюсь: Тоттенхэм, Вест Хэм, Энфилд — вокруг да около стадионов, рукой подать (хотя сами при этом ничуть не пострадали). вот, что бывает, когда все лето без футбола — чемпионат еще не начался, а болельщики уже собираются в очереди и толпятся рядом.

или, с другой стороны, Ватерлоо, Трафальгар, итд — места битв, ровным счетом, как и в былые имперские годы. и теперь снова нужна очередная Австралия, дабы всех туда вывезти. хотя, конечно мировая общественность (Иран, например, ага) не позволит.

а вообще, разумеется, происходящее чудесно и изумительно — такие мятежи, да не где-нибудь на отшибе, а в столице Европы, ее сердце. и не прекращаются, а только наобоорт.

хоть сейчас “Искру” завози, одним словом.


встретились два барана

1 April 2010 | Censorship, Google, Internet | No Comments

Австралия, потрясая кулачками, требует от Гугла цензуры и покорности:

So when people say ’shouldn’t we just leave it up to the Googles of this world to determine what the filtering policy should be?’ – make no mistake, anybody who wants to go onto Google’s sites now and look up their filtering policy will actually find they filter more material and a broader range of topics than we are proposing to put forward.

I’ll back our Parliament to stand fast on these issues from Google.”

последние отвечают тем же:

Exposing politically controversial topics for public debate is vital for democracy.

Homosexuality was a crime in Australia until 1976 in ACT, until 1984 in NSW, and 1997 in Tasmania. Political and social norms change over time and benefit from intense public scrutiny and debate. The openness of the Internet makes this scrutiny and debate all the more possible, and should be protected. The Constitution of Australia does not protect freedom of expression (other than a limited guarantee for political discourse) and as a result Australia does not have developed case law about acceptable limits to freedom of expression. There is a significant risk that filtering applied today to RC content could readily be extended by future governments to other forms of expression, whether related to sexual content or violence or not.

и еще замечательное:

We have talked directly with parents around Australia and their strong view is that the Government’s proposal goes too far and would take away their freedom of choice around what information they and their children can access.

но мы помним и другое, разумеется.


чем меньше, тем хуже

30 January 2010 | Culturology, Jurisprudence, Politics, Sex | No Comments

давно уже махнул рукой на различнейшие австралийские запреты — перечислять их не хватит ни времени, ни сил, — oднако последние новости все же очаровывают: они запретили маленькую женскую грудь:

The proposed Australian Government clampdown on smut just got a whole lot broader, as news emerged of a ban on small breasts and female ejaculation in adult material.


Breasts came under the spotlight a year ago, as Senators Barnaby Joyce and Guy Barnett commenced a campaign against publicly available porn. Rounding up magazines from corner shops and filling stations, Senator Joyce claimed that publications featuring small-breasted women were encouraging paedophilia.

The result of this campaign is now visible in the decisions being made by the Australian Classification Board, which is beginning to apply RC (refused classification) categories to such material, as opposed to the previous X-rating. According to Fiona Patten, Convenor of the Australian Sex Party: “We are starting to see depictions of women in their late 20s being banned because they have an A cup size.

ну, то есть, понятное дело — каторжанам и надзирателям по вполне очевидным причинам (культурный багаж, среда обитания, blah-blah) должны больше нравиться сиськи поувесистее, но не в законодательном же порядке?

сейчас они, конечно, от всего открещиваются, но как-то совершенно неубедительно, впрочем:

A spokesperson for the ACB told me today that publications which contain offensive depictions or descriptions of persons who are or appear to be persons under the age of 18 (whether they are engaged in sexual activity or not) must be classified RC. They said the Board classifies publications on a case by case basis, in accordance with the Guidelines for the Classification of Publications, the Code and the Classification Act and that the Publications Guidelines do not specify breast size.



Колумбы нашего городка

20 October 2009 | Geography, Lifeform | 1 Comment

голландской тринадцатилетней путешественице Лоре Деккер не разрешили, а австралийской шестнадцатилетней Джессике Уотсон запросто пожалуйста:

Teenage sailor Jessica Watson is alone on the Pacific Ocean after launching her attempt to sail solo around the world.

надеюсь, все-таки, что и Лору отпустят; девочки замечательные.


все на борьбу

2 October 2009 | Copyright, Internet, Politics | No Comments

соврешенно ясно, что явление народу Партии пиратов в Австралии было только вопросом времени:

The Pirate Party, which evolved from cultural and legal skirmishes with authorities in Sweden and Germany, last week updated the Australian website it registered last year and advertised for a president, treasurer, secretary and supporting positions.

A party spokesman, Rodney Serkowski, said the group was close to establishing a beachhead in Australia.

He said that with 300 supporters it was on its way to signing the 500 it needed to become an official Australian political party.

цифры впечатляют, конечно, — неудивительно, что и в Германии парламентских мест им все-таки не досталось.


на чужом горбе

21 September 2009 | Internet | 2 Comments

в Австралии, кстати (уже смешно, да?), решили так же запретить и подарки:

The Register has a story about ACMA’s decision to force Apple to withdraw their ITMS gift feature from Australia on the basis that MA+ (over 15 and maybe sex) rated movies could not be given to children using the gift cards. The films are also banned on the internet but not at local video/DVD stores.

а самое смешное, конечно, — это то, что речь идет про фильм “V for Vendetta”:

Valerie: I remember how the meaning of words began to change. How unfamiliar words like “collateral” and “rendition” became frightening, while things like Norsefire and the Articles of Allegiance became powerful. I remember how “different” became dangerous. I still don’t understand it, why they hate us so much.

удивительные идиоты.



15 July 2009 | Copyright, Internet | 3 Comments

ну, и, понятное дело, Австралия не собирается останавливаться на полпути:

In a report unveiled at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney last night, Senator Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, said the Government, among other promises, will “facilitate development of an appropriate solution to the issue of unauthorised file sharing”.