Archives for July 2013


24 July 2013 | Copyright, Economics | No Comments

и еще:

In some ways, Netflix and all of us have maybe learned the lesson the music industry didn’t learn.

Kevin Spacey in an interview on House of Cards.



can’t be easily ignored

24 July 2013 | Copyright, Jurisprudence | No Comments

и, пожалуйста, с другой стороны:

Finland is the first country in the world in which Parliament will vote on a “fairer” copyright law that has been crowdsourced by the public. The proposal, which obtained the required 50,000 Finnish votes just a day before the deadline, seeks to decriminalize file-sharing and legalize the copying of items that people already own.

мне кажется, всем нам в очередной раз стоит поучиться у Финляндии.



24 July 2013 | Copyright, Economics | 2 Comments

кратко о пиратстве:

In general, we think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. For example, if a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable. Most DRM solutions diminish the value of the product by either directly restricting a customers use or by creating uncertainty.

Gabe Newell.

уж он-то знает.


научный подход

23 July 2013 | Personal, Television | No Comments

мы терпим боль ради избавления, кусаем губы от жажды с мыслью о первом глотке — и окунаемся в душную жару муравейника ради последующей сиесты: нет слаще путешествий летом, чем возможность укрыться прочь от жары, когда робкие капли опаляющих брызг тают в каменной прохладе и шелковой истоме.

там, под балдахином, где-то между первой и второй розового, мы смотрим очередные движущиеся картинки:


to figure out a better way

23 July 2013 | Economics, Politics | No Comments

немного очевидной правды:

Progressive economists, led by Paul Krugman, have argued persuasively that what the world economy needs now is government deficit spending to put money in workers’ wallets, to stimulate consumption, to give the private sector a reason to invest and expand. This is the classic Keynesian solution, one proved by years of experience. Krugman tells us that the problem with the world economy now is lack of demand. Indeed, solving the problem of demand has been the essential capitalist dilemma of the past 80 years. As productivity rises, we can make more with the same level of inputs. Demand has to rise just as fast or the economy shrinks. For an economy to be at full employment, demand needs to equal the society’s productive capacity. If it does not, then supply will shrink to meet demand and millions of workers will become redundant. To achieve full employment, we must find a way to instead push demand up to meet the economy’s productive capacity. Since the Great Depression, we have solved this problem of demand three different ways: war[1], rising wages, and debt.


  1. плюс:

    It is important to understand that making bombs and blowing up cities is not what shrunk unemployment. It was the printing of money, the hiring of workers, the creation of demand by deficit spending. Had the US government spent as much as it had on fighting Hitler on promoting the arts, or building schools or even digging ditches and then filling them, it would have had just as beneficial an economic effect as did the war.



illegal image searches to be blocked

22 July 2013 | Censorship, Politics, Psychology, Sex | 7 Comments

все, что делает государство — оно делает только для нашего блага, не так ли?

Every household in Britain connected to the internet will be obliged to declare whether they want to maintain access to online pornography, David Cameron will announce on Monday.

означенное суть только начало, конечно: следом за порнографией будут и другие. более того, — именно так, собственно, и начинается ингсоц.

сексуальные запреты и репрессии — это основа основ любого тоталитарного государства. именно появление такого контроля, на уровне кухонных обсуждений, интимных предпочтений и вообще всего, что касается личного времени граждан, и отличает тоталитарный режим от, например, авторитарного — именно потому, что тоталитарный стремится контролировать вас ежесекундно, подчинить полностью, без малейшего свободного вздоха. и для того, чтобы это понять, не надо даже читать Фромма — хотя у него, разумеется, эта вновь зарождащаяся диктатура описана в подробностях.


willing to critically interrogate

21 July 2013 | Politics, Privacy, Security | No Comments

программная статья, между прочим:

Snowden is offering the public a template for how to whistleblow; leaking information is going to be the civil disobedience of our age.


по секрету

21 July 2013 | History, Lifeform, Linguistics | No Comments

случайный рассказ из Википедии:

Poto and Cabengo (names given, respectively, by Grace and Virginia Kennedy to themselves) are American identical twins who used an invented language until the age of about eight.

вот, как они выглядели, милые.


one man’s fish

20 July 2013 | Literature | No Comments

Марк Гейтисс, чудесный актер, сценарист и писатель, среди разного прочего написал еще и три шпионских романа, стилизованных под эдвардианские времена — вот только оказались эти книжки совершенным дерьмом, нечто вроде и так понятно кого. может чуть изящнее и сколько-то веселее:

Well, what was I to do? For the well-bred gentleman there was clearly only one recourse. I fucked him.

но все равно — увы.


time to meet

20 July 2013 | Cinematograph | No Comments

что касается Николаса Виндинга Рефна и Райана Гослинга, то оба они, мне кажется, достигли просветления.