Archives for February 2012

о войне

18 February 2012 | Culturology | No Comments

кстати, отличие в расшифрвке акронимов tl;dr и кг/ам — оно ведь тоже показательно?


things are getting out of hand

18 February 2012 | AI, Architecture, Art, Internet, Lifeform | 1 Comment

волшебная[1] навигация:

It’s a ship, atop the Southbank Centre in the heart of London, looking out across the Thames.


I wanted to make the ship move, and I wanted to make it speak, and I wanted to speak back to it, with it, together. To make something.

A Ship Adrift takes the data from that weather station and applies it to an imaginary airship piloted by a lost, mad AI autopilot. The ship is drifting because the pilot is mad or the pilot is mad because the ship is drifting; it doesn’t really matter.

If the wind whips eastwards across the roof of the Southbank centre at 5mph, then the Ship Adrift floats five miles to the East. See the sharp tack the Ship made on the night of the 27th / 28th January? <...>

As the Ship drifts, it looks around itself. It doesn’t know where it is, but it is listening. It’s listening out for tweets and foursquare check-ins and posts on dating sites and geotagged Wikipedia articles and it is remembering them and it is trying to make something out of them. It is trying to understand.

The ship is lost, and I don’t know where it’s going. I don’t know what it’s going to learn, but I want to work with it to tell some stories. I want to build a system for cooperating with software and chance.

[1]Джеймс Бридл, автор, так же верно подмечает удивительное, говоря об интернет-ботах, этих заблудившихся дети эпохи.


like a donkey fucking a hippopotamus

17 February 2012 | Cinematograph | 2 Comments

фильм “The Guard”, кстати, абсолютно пуст. словно разбитый пивной бокал в кружевах несостоявшейся пены.

но зато там бесподобный ирландский акцент.


make world

17 February 2012 | Software | No Comments

да, и между прочим:

Today, Apple added a beautiful new package to their official developer tools suite: Command Line Tools for Xcode. It’s a 171 MB download that includes all of the tools a Homebrew should ever need. Best of all, it contains the proprietary headers that I couldn’t ship myself.

You can download and try it out today. All you need is a free Apple ID.


о бронетехнике

17 February 2012 | Hardware | No Comments

с 8[1] гигабайтами оперативной пямяти работается и в самом деле несколько легче. так же, с упоением думаю, что бы еще перенести на RAM диск.

[1] — самое чудесное в этой новости то, что я с лихвой застал те времена, когда и 8 мегабайт было несусветно много.


пожарный выход

17 February 2012 | Copyright, Literature | 2 Comments

на память:

What are some alternatives to



17 February 2012 | Apple, Software | 1 Comment

если в самом деле полагаться на текущие обзоры OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, то становится очевидно, что именно iCloud — это будущий крауегольный камень Apple на многие годы.

добавлено: о да.


цветовая гармония

16 February 2012 | Hardware | No Comments

кстати, я и в самом деле предпочел бы телевизор от Apple: меня раздражает даже единственный провод у сегодняшних — хотя бы потому, что он, мать его, черный[1].

[1] — почему вобще такое засилье оторванного от действительности черного цвета? у нас, что, так часто встречаются черные стены? черная мебель? с чем это все предполагается в комплект?


прорыва нет

15 February 2012 | Apple | 1 Comment

и дальше:

[Tim] Cook also talked about how Apple was essentially testing the water with Apple TV to see if the market was there, but at this point, it is still a hobby[1]. Perhaps hinting at the rumored HDTV, Cook noted the company would need something “special” to make TV a “serious category” for Apple.

[1] — вот цитата:

<...> we call it a hobby is because we don’t want to send a message to you or our shareholders that we think the market for it is the size of our other businesses.“


how it works

15 February 2012 | Apple, Literature | 1 Comment

важные истины:

What is Apple at heart: a software company, or hardware company?

This is a perennial question. The truth, of course, is that Apple is neither. Apple is an experience company.

отличная статья про ту самую биографию.