Twitter Category Archives

i am the most mature out of everyone in my imaginary circle of friends

30 May 2015 | Internet, Lifeform, Twitter | No Comments

оказывается, в мире была чудесная Оливия Тейтерс, девушка-подросток, бот, живущий в Twitter:

Olivia Taters is an imaginary teenger who lives on the internet. Created by Rob Dubbin, she’s convincing enough that real teens actually converse with her – and because she replies to messages, those conversations can go on for a long time, without ever really making sense.

но в начале мая этого года Twitter, очевидно, снова изменил что-то в своем API — и она умерла:

olivia taters suspension FAQ:
– don’t know why it happened
– gotta email twitter to get her reinstated
– yes an @twitter campaign would help

зато вот ее рисунки и очередное резюме нашего мира:

someone wrote a protest song to help free a teenager made of algorithms from a jail made of other algorithms: your move, science fiction

хорошие, да.


not profitable

14 October 2013 | Economics, Facebook, Twitter | No Comments

она схватила ему за руку и неоднократно спросила: где ты девал деньги?

I don’t like Twitter, but I think it is a stronger business than Facebook. That said, I don’t see how their business (the part that makes money, ads) is sustainable while they allow third party services to use the API. The most “engaged” users are the ones actively trying to avoid ads. That’s the biggest threat to Twitter making money.

can’t get that, too.


it’s anti-monopolist

3 July 2013 | Facebook, Google, Internet, Software, Twitter | No Comments

Марко Армент написал хорошую статью вслед почившему Google Reader, и вот, что особенно привлекло мое внимание:

Google Reader is just the latest casualty of the war that Facebook started, seemingly accidentally: the battle to own everything. While Google did technically “own” Reader and could make some use of the huge amount of news and attention data flowing through it, it conflicted with their far more important Google+ strategy: they need everyone reading and sharing everything through Google+ so they can compete with Facebook for ad-targeting data, ad dollars, growth, and relevance.

RSS represents the antithesis of this new world: it’s completely open, decentralized, and owned by nobody, just like the web itself. It allows anyone, large or small, to build something new and disrupt anyone else they’d like.

или еще проще:

[T]he big players <...> want to lock you in, shut out competitors, and make a service so proprietary that even if you could get your data out, it would be either useless (no alternatives to import into) or cripplingly lonely (empty social networks).

так логично мы и приходим к вопросу о доверии:

I think that the presence or absence of an RSS feed (whether I actually use it or not) is a good litmus test for how a service treats my data.

  • Instagram doesn’t provide an RSS feed of my uploaded photos.
  • Twitter doesn’t provide an RSS feed of my tweets.
  • Facebook doesn’t provide an RSS feed of my band’s updates

It might be that RSS is the canary in the coal mine for my data on the web.

If those services don’t trust me enough to give me an RSS feed, why should I trust them with my data?



в обход

18 June 2013 | HOWTO, Software, Twitter | 3 Comments

Twitter, кстати, в очередной раз убил RSS-потоки. так что если они вам и правда нужны, можно генерировать их самому или же воспользоваться сервисом Twitter RSS.


на самом деле

17 May 2013 | Culturology, Facebook, Twitter | No Comments

чудесная статья о том, как подростки воспринимают социальные платформы в частности и общение в целом:

What is Facebook to most people over the age of 25? It’s a never-ending class reunion mixed with an eternal late-night dorm room gossip session mixed with a nightly check-in on what coworkers are doing after leaving the office. In other words, it’s a place where you go to keep tabs on your friends and acquaintances.

You know what kids call that? School.

For those of us out of school, Facebook is a place to see the accomplishments of our friends and acquaintances we’ve made over years and decades. We watch their lives: babies, job promotions, vacations, relationships, break-ups, new hair colors, ad nauseum.

For kids who still go to school, Facebook is boring. If one of their friends does something amazing or amazingly dumb, they’ll find out within five minutes. If they’re not friends with that person, it will take 15 minutes.

How? Mobile. And not just texting.

и еще:

Kids aren’t leaving social networks. They’re redefining the word “social.” Rather, they’re actually using the word with the intent of its original meaning: making contact with other human beings. Communicating. Back-and-forth, fairly immediate dialogue. Most of it digitally. But most of it with the intent of a conversation where two (or more) people are exchanging information and emotion. Not posting it. Exchanging it.

все так, посмотрите в зеркало и убедитесь.



19 February 2013 | Internet, Lifeform, Literature, Twitter | 1 Comment

quote of the day:

Did these streams of bizarrely inspired thought-fragments exist before Twitter? Or, has Twitter generated them?

Joyce Carol Oates, an author, aged 74.


окружение и протоколы

18 February 2013 | Culturology, Facebook, Twitter | 2 Comments

подходы меняются:

“When I was little, Facebook was the coolest thing to do. And I as got older, it got stupider and I have more commitments,” said [Maxine] Guttmann, 15, a rising junior in New York City. “On Tumblr, I feel like I can post all the stuff I’m interested in. On Facebook, not all my friends are interested in the same stuff I am. And a lot aren’t even my close friends anymore.”


For teens, Facebook has become the equivalent of Microsoft Outlook or AOL Instant Messenger, experts say: It has evolved from a hot hangout, to a practical and dull tool for chatting about homework or catching up with faraway friends. Bored, overwhelmed by huge friend groups and exhausted by the digital popularity contests Facebook fosters, many teens are taking refuge in social services such as Tumblr and Twitter.



формы и содержания

24 October 2012 | Culturology, Internet, Twitter | 1 Comment

а вот и темная сторона Луны:

“Weird Twitter” is, simply, a loose group of Twitter users who write in a less-accessible form, using sloppy punctuation/spelling/capitalization, poetic experimentation with sentence format, first-person throwaway characters, and other techniques little known to the vast majority of “serious” Twitter users.

These users are sometimes hard to distinguish from “low-quality” users like teens with textspeak or actual bots. Several of them regularly retweet, quote, or riff on @horse_ebooks tweets.

целое исследование, да.

но мне больше поминает известное:

At first glance it resembled the kind of graffiti student operators sometimes left at the junctions of grid lines, faint glyphs of colored light that shimmered against the confused outlines of a dozen arts faculties.

хотя на деле все куда проще, уверен.


3-ья улица строителей

21 October 2012 | HOWTO, Software, Twitter | 1 Comment

Twitter, кстати, внезапно изменил адрес RSS-потоков с нашими сообщениями. было что-то навроде этого:ваш_user_id.rss

а стало вот так:ваш_screen_name

или опять с цифрами[1]:ваш_user_id

оно и проще, кто бы спорил, но тоскливо узнавать об этом из логов.


  1. узнать, какому screen_name соответствует какой user_id (и наоборот) можно так:ваш_user_id



трансформация сущностей

13 September 2012 | Internet, Media, Twitter | 1 Comment

люди (и — well — журналисты) продолжают возмущаться новой политикой Twitter:

What’s become clear about this is that Twitter are switching off any kind of anonymous access to their API, restricting it to OAuth-identified server-to-server requests. Overnight, Twitter are no longer a platform. They’re a media company with carefully monitored access agreements.

так и есть, разумеется, но за деревьями все же находится лес: Twitter — это медиум текущего момента, он зависит от информации (плюс, сам есть она же on steroids) и удален от пользователей, какими занятными или многогранными не были бы их разговоры или приложения. более того, сами пользователи тоже фактически общаются не друг с другом, но с собственными интересами — этим Тwitter и разнится, например, с Facebook.

именно поэтому сервис и должен меняться — не просто и дальше вести лог сообщений, распределенных повсеместно (sic!), но объединить и развить их в непременном единственном месте — у себя на сайте, унифицировав и запротоколировав: если раньше Twitter уподоблялся многоликости интернета вообще или, например, IRC[1] в частности, то теперь — с каждым шагом — и в самом деле больше поминает новостной узел — а это, по-моему, хорошо[2].

  1. надо ли удивляться, что именно geeks & nerds, основная публика былых каналов, сегодня наиболее яро противятся изменениям.  ↩

  2. впрочем, я и раньше находил централизованность их сайта удобнее иных программ.  ↩