Archives for October 2010

не пошевелиться

10 October 2010 | Censorship, Copyright, Internet, Politics | No Comments

в статье Кори, вообще, много интересного (и я убедительно советую прочитать ее целиком, а так же и другие его эссе), но вот, что еще хочется особенно выделить:

Viacom is just one of the many entertainment giants suing companies like Google for allowing everyday people to upload content to the internet without reviewing its copyright status in advance. Never mind that there’s 29 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, that there aren’t enough lawyers in all the world to undertake such a review, and that throttling the videos (by charging uploaders for legal review, for example) would put practically every person who finds in YouTube the opportunity for personal and creative expression out of business.

Never mind that if this principle were passed into law, it would shutter every message board, Twitter, social networking service, blog, and mailing list in a second. That’s bad enough, but in addition to these claims, Viacom has asked the court to order Google to make all user-uploaded content public so that Viacom can check it doesn’t infringe copyright – it thinks that its need to look at my videos is greater than my need to, say, flag a video of my two-year-old in the bath as private and visible only to me and her grandparents.

что уж тут рассуждать про Большого Брата — вот оно, все рядом. кстати, если говорить об адвокатах, копирайте и прогрессе, то вот замечательный рассказ Андрея Гейма, свежеобъявленого лаурета Нобелевской премии по физике:

We considered patenting; we prepared a patent and it was nearly filed. Then I had an interaction with a big, multinational electronics company. I approached a guy at a conference and said, “We’ve got this patent coming up, would you be interested in sponsoring it over the years?” It’s quite expensive to keep a patent alive for 20 years. The guy told me, “We are looking at graphene, and it might have a future in the long term. If after ten years we find it’s really as good as it promises, we will put a hundred patent lawyers on it to write a hundred patents a day, and you will spend the rest of your life, and the gross domestic product of your little island, suing us.” That’s a direct quote.

настоящая свобода для дальнейешго творчества, не так ли?. к слову, что касается именно созидания, то не питайте иллюзий:

The sad truth is that almost everything almost every artist tries to earn money will fail. This has nothing to do with the internet, of course. Consider the remarkable statement from Alanis Morissette’s attorney at the Future of Music Conference: 97% of the artists signed to a major label before Napster earned $600 or less a year from it. And these were the lucky lotto winners, the tiny fraction of 1% who made it to a record deal. Almost every artist who sets out to earn a living from art won’t get there (for me, it took 19 years before I could afford to quit my day job), whether or not they give away their work, sign to a label, or stick it through every letterbox in Zone 1.

повторю, лучше и в самом деле посмотреть на работающий опыт.



10 October 2010 | Copyright, Internet, Jurisprudence, Politics | No Comments

Кори Доктороу в очередной раз написал программную статью. вот небольшая цитата:

I don’t care if you want to attempt to stop people from copying your work over the internet, or if you plan on building a business around this idea. I mean, it sounds daft to me, but I’ve been surprised before.

But here’s what I do care about. I care if your plan involves using “digital rights management” technologies that prohibit people from opening up and improving their own property; if your plan requires that online services censor their user submissions; if your plan involves disconnecting whole families from the internet because they are accused of infringement; if your plan involves bulk surveillance of the internet to catch infringers, if your plan requires extraordinarily complex legislation to be shoved through parliament without democratic debate; if your plan prohibits me from keeping online videos of my personal life private because you won’t be able to catch infringers if you can’t spy on every video.

And this is the plan that the entertainment industries have pursued in their doomed attempt to prevent copying. The US record industry has sued 40,000 people. The BBC has received Ofcom’s approval to use our mandatory licence fees to lock up its broadcasts with DRM so that we can’t tinker with or improve on our own TVs and recorders (and lest you think that this is no big deal, keep in mind that the entire web was created by amateurs tinkering with systems around them). What’s more Apple, Audible, Sony and others have stitched up several digital distribution channels with mandatory DRM requirements, so copyright holders don’t get to choose to make their works available on equitable terms.

In France, the HADOPI “three strikes” rule just went into effect; they’re sending out 10,000 legal threats a week now, and have promised 150,000 a week in short order. After three unsubstantiated accusations of infringement, your whole family is disconnected from the internet – from work, education, civic engagement, distant relatives, health information, community.

именно — копирайт и невозможность остановить копирование сегодня дают власть держащим чудесное право отключить любого человека от остального мира.

перечитайте это и задумайтесь.


наивно это и смешно

10 October 2010 | Hardware, Literature, Personal | No Comments

с утра выбрал полотенце, накинул халат, вышел из дома и плюхнулся в грязь, ожидая или положенный в таких случаях большой желтый бульдозер, или строительный флот вогенов.

в итоге не дождался ни того, ни другого. и удрать с этой планеты опять не вышло — несмотря на всю коллекцию путеводителей.


необходимы очки для просмотра

9 October 2010 | AR, Art | 1 Comment

еще одна выставка локативного искусства:

On Saturday October 9th, the physical space inside the MoMA building in New York will host a virtual exhibition, based on Augmented Reality technology. The show will not be visible to regular visitors of the MoMA, but those using the “Layar Augmented Reality browser” on their iPhone or Android smartphones, will see numerous additional works on each of the floors.

я с нетерпением жду, когда все оно хлынет на улицы.


рассказы о приключениях

9 October 2010 | Amazon, Games, Software | No Comments

в былые текстовые аркады снова можно будет играть:

Many people cut their teeth on the imagination fueled text adventures games released by Infocom back in the eighties. Whispernet combined with the handy keyboard and the limiting browser made the Kindle perfect for a text-based adventures. We programmed an interface specifically for the Kindle that lets you play a handful of the Zork-like adventures that we spent many of hours of our youth. Save game is supported so you can come back at a later time without restarting. Let us know what you think and how we can improve it!

ого, какая характеристика:

And it makes a ridiculous amount of sense: text is gorgeous and easily-readable on the e-ink screens, the lack of colour isn’t a problem, and – let’s face it – the sort of people who are likely to buy an e-reader are exactly the sort of people who are likely to love vintage games.

что ж, получается, я знаю этих игроков.


лавка чучельщика

9 October 2010 | Art | No Comments

офицерские линейки снова в моде.


citius, altius, fortius

9 October 2010 | Apple, Hardware | 1 Comment

мечтающих о миниатюризации ждет разачарование:

Analyst are predicting that Apple will begin work on its 7-inch iPad very soon. They are wrong.

The fact is, Apple already has a 7-inch iPad. They have had one of the smaller devices since they started making the 9.7-inch iPad that we have now.

To be clearer, the two devices were developed at the same time. They have pretty much the same specs, except, of course, the 9.7-inch model has a higher density screen than its smaller counterpart.

разумеется, звучит абсолютно логично. и дальше:

With other companies releasing their 7-inch tablets, you may wonder why Apple doesn’t push its device out the door. I think the answer to that is quite simple — they don’t have to release it.

The iPad is the one of the best selling devices in history. Why would Apple need to release a smaller version to compete in a market it owns. It doesn’t.

извечная дилемма, кстати, в равной мере касающаяся любых устройств: большие оттягивают карман и руки, однако просторные дисплеи удобны и естественны, а маленькие, напротив, с легкостью помещаются в джинсах, но разглядеть там ровным счетом ничего нельзя.


with infinite majesty and calm

9 October 2010 | Culturology, Literature | 1 Comment

если вы читали упомянутую ниже книгу, то вот и повод: 10 октября 2010 года, 10/10/10, записанное, как 101010, в двоичной системе означает 42.

поэтому выходя из дома, не забудьте полотенце.



8 October 2010 | Literature | No Comments

судя по формулировке, Нобелевку в этом году дали Кафке:

for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual’s resistance, revolt, and defeat.


есть ли жизнь на марсе?

8 October 2010 | Lifeform | No Comments

Миша tipharethtiphareth Вербицкий бьет в точку:

Вообще, складывается ощущение, что спаммеры гораздо дальше продвинулись в исследованиях по искусственному интеллекту, чем официальная наука. Думаю, что еще года три, и будут у нас спам-блоги вполне тьюринговского качества, от нормальных и не отличишь. Ну, если блоги вообще сохранят какую-то актуальность, конечно.

именно, ага.